Program Topics

A Little Humor, A Lot of Heart, and Compelling Stories are a Signature Part of every Program

Virtual & In Person Presentations From a Doctor’s Perspective

Keynotes/Breakouts: 60, 75 or 90 Minutes

Workshops: 2 to 4 Hours

Custom Webinar series available upon request

Dr. Shah has learned so much about life and leadership being a physician. She offers her wisdom in the name of service, not ego. Dr. Shah speaks to students, non-profit/corporate employees, leaders and at conferences. Her style of practical tools and action steps not only inspires, but leads participants to adopt healthy habits. The most common remarks are “I took lots of notes” and “I will make the changes that Dr. Shah recommended.”

View Dr. Shah’s Espeakers profile here

View Dr. Shah’s Speakerhub profile here

“Dr. Poorvi Shah’s recent presentation of Living and Leading in Today’s World of Stress received high praise from our attendees – all executive level university VP’s and Directors.  They learned how to self-identify stress, and steps to reduce it and how to identify staff stress along with various ways to offer helpful assistance. Dr. Shah’s presentation style is both highly engaging and entertaining. Her warmth and openness to answering questions ensured that our attendees were able to add valuable skills to their survival toolbox! I highly recommend Poorvi Shah to present at your next meeting, workshop, or conference.” –Kathleen Larmett, Executive Director, NCURA

Signature Speeches: Dr. Shah can also tailor a speech for your organization’s needs

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Healthy Leadership:

Mindful Leaders are What the World Needs

Do challenging times call for heroes? Not really. They call for ordinary humans to step up with character, courage, compassion, and calm.

Each opportunity is a chance to grow and be the best, selfless version of yourself. Challenging Times create heroes in everyday people, like you and me.

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Healthy Employees:

Master Stress & Build Resilience

We can’t avoid major life changes and stress, but we can use tools and ancient wisdom to keep calm and carry on. Mindfulness is a tool that can transform individuals and cultures. If you free your mind, you can free yourself of the golden handcuffs without ever quitting your job or experiencing burnout.

Healthy Sales:

Sell & Negotiate Like A Doctor

Every day, physicians have to communicate the best route of care for patients,
whether it be exercising more, or taking medicine. Mindful communication is a way of listening and speaking so that both parties have their needs met and it is a win-win situation. As difficult as it is, doctors sell well and so can you?

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Healthy Aging:

Five Secrets to Live Long & Strong

In Dr. Shah’s most fun topic, she illuminates the fact that if we are lucky enough, we will get older. Changing our mindset about our changing bodies is key. She dispels the myths about getting older and covers evidence-based practices to prevent disease. She offers solutions to slow the aging process. and how to stay forever pre-elderly.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Shah! I can’t say it enough, thank you! -Audience Member